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Skateboarding since the late 1980´s and Snowboarding since the mid 1990´s i always had an affinity for board sports .

Someday around the mid 2000 ´s my former girlfriend ( now she´s my wife and mother of my children , but guess that´s another story...) asked me which kind of gift i wanted for birthday and - meant as a joke - i replied : A Skateboard ! So she gifted me that plastic miniature skateboard...

That one lay in the drawer for a couple of years until i took it out as a toy for my daugter and began to build some simple cardboard ramps to ride on.

After ripping those cheap trucks i wondered if there was better equipment around . Having a look at the net was like : Wow !!! Wooden decks ?! Wheels with bearings ?! People perform realistic looking tricks on those tiny boards ?!!! 

At least from the moment i had a ride on my first ´professional´ board i was seriously into fingerboarding and the idea of crafting my own obstacles was born.

From about 2012 on cardboard changed into plywood, a fretsaw into a jigsaw , file and sandpaper into a beltsander and a dust settled living room into a garage ...

Starting to craft with miniature bricks and listening to Rock(abilly)music the name BRICKABILLY was obvious !!!

 It took a guy from the U.K. ( Cheers @fingershorts ! ) with more riding and social media skills than mine to take Brickabilly to Facebook and Instagram and those ramps from local classifieds around the world...

More than 5 years later i´m still stoked everytime i see one of you folks pulling tricks on an obstacle crafted in a small town garage at the other end of the world !!!

Thanks for having a ride with BRICKABILLY !!!